At least Dibiase knew how to make it interesting...
This past Monday night, I tuned in with piqued curiosity to see exactly how Vince was going to give away one million dollars of his own money. I figured it would be a quick sweepstakes, with a brief segment here or there trying to give away an entire million dollars. What I got was surprisingly different.
From the first moment McMahon came out I was flabbergasted at the amount of time wasted on this publicity stunt. During almost every segment of television time we were treated to Vince slowly and awkwardly dialing telephone numbers, hanging up on people, and asking them for the password. COUNTLESS minutes which could have been devoted to storylines and character development to further improve the quality of the WWE's flagship show was wasted. Not only that, but the time and energy of the live crowd in Oakland also went out the window with these excruciating segments. I can't believe the crowd didn't start chanting boring EVERY time McMahon stepped onto the platform.
If you're going to go through with such an inane idea, why not do it during random segments of the show. Instead of having Vince walk out to the platform, have him in his office backstage. When someone comes to ask him a favor, he can make them call the person on a phone set up in his office. That way you're furthering the storyline, getting on with the publicity stunt, and giving the person winning the money the chance to say something to a superstar they love, hate or don't care about.
Having said that, what was the deal with all those people he called? McMahon's calling to GIVE them free money and they sounded like they could care less. "Hello? This is Bubba from Freebird City. Yes? The password is WWE Universe. I won how much? Ok, thanks. Bye." Wow. Just Wow. Were Vince to call my house, I'd probably have a few things to say other than my name and a password. Before the music started, for sure.
Maybe next week we'll see some of the kinks worked out. Honestly, I'd like to see them do something like this for Smackdown and ECW. But we know that won't happen. A) They're not that important, B) Smackdown is taped. One can wish, though, can't he?
To tell JJ what you'd say to Vince, click here.
To talk about what you would like to have seen instead of McMahon playing phone tag, click here.
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