What wrestling really is...
I've read alot online about people losing their desire to watch wrestling since the "Benoit Tragedy." I include myself in that grouping, but I've wondered if the cause was Benoit or just the fact that no one is putting out a halfway decent product anymore. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that both major companies, TNA & WWE, seem to be putting out product solely to make money, not to further the art of professional wrestling. It could even be the overall negative attitude on the sport from the internet. Regardless, I believe Saturday night, I figured out what my issue has been.How did I find this out? I made the hour drive to Mountain City to check out my local indy, Triton Championship Wrestling. Thanks to the Cruise in that was going on in Downtown Elizabethon, I didn't make it to Mountain City on time and missed the first match between Rick Karoff and Muhhamud Turkih. I hate that I missed it, and apologize to the two for not being able to comment on their match.
I got into the building as introductions were being made for a US Title match between "Sugar" Shane Hennig and US Champion Exotica. Exotica used to work the gay gimmick, and reminded me of Rico without the glitter. As of late, though, he's become quite the serious worker, who's not afraid to remind people who he once was as a way of reminding you how far he's come. "Sugar" Shane is an up and comer who's just starting to make a splash in TCW. He's obviously a fan of Austin Aries (pendulum elbow, anyone?), and that's not going to hurt him as he moves along in his career. The two had a match that started a bit slow, but finished strong. You could see that these two want to please the fans, even if Hennig would rather slap them than shake their hand.
The next match was originally supposed to be the Southern Express defending the tag titles against the Ultimate Males. Before the show though, as my friend Patrick had explained, "Playboy" Jamie Gibson had come out to explain that some personal issues had caused the team to go their separate ways, and that he was looking for a partner, as he still wanted the tag titles. The Southern Express, Brady Hawks & Tommy Fantastic, came out to one of the greatest “pops” of the night, ready to take on Gibson and anybody who dared to join him.
Surprisingly, “Hard Body” Alan King (The only reason he can get away with that name is because he’s pretty much skin and bones) came out with his escort, Miss Rebecca Lynn, and offered to join up with Gibson. Gibson agreed and the match began. The Southern Express came out with their fighting boots on, forcing Gibson and King to regroup several times. Fantastic and Hawks tore up the challengers, especially Alan “I scream like a six year old girl watching Freddy Krueger” King. The Southern Express picked up the win to retain their titles. Following the match, King attacked Gibson with the help of Rebecca Lynn. Lynn claimed it was for Gibson dropping her as his manager for Wicked Wanda. Commissioner Ray came out and scheduled a bout between Gibson & King on September 8.
Following Intermission, we got the two marquee bouts of the evening. The first of the two being the “Extreme Grudge Match” between “The Xtreme One” Mikkie McMasters and “The Outlaw” D.P. Holliday (accompanied by Miss Rebecca Lynn). These two combatants were at one point fan favorites and TCW Tag Team Champions. Once they hit a rough patch, though, Holliday was quick to blame McMasters and his risk taking style for their losses. Holliday tore up McMasters knee and actually put McMasters out of action for a few months. Their Grudge Match symbolized every bith of animosity between the two, as they went as hardcore as TCW could go. McMasters flung himself across and out of the ring, and Holliday brawled with McMasters like Mikkie had kissed his Mom. In the end McMasters picked up the win, much to the delight of all the young ones in the crowd.
Finally, we had the TCW Championship match between TCW Champion “Perfect Storm” Brett Storm and his father “Ice Man” Jeff Storm. These two have gone back and forth for months. Once a team, Brett (Who is managed by Rebecca Lynn. Notice a pattern here?) turned on his father and cost them the TCW Tag Team Titles. Ever since that point, Jeff has been out to teach his son about respect. Brett wouldn’t respond to simple things, so Jeff risked his career by promising to retire if he lost the match. Add on that Jeff’s Manager, Guardian, and the Infamous Miss Lynn were handcuffed together and we got a pretty decent match to look forward too, right?
Well, since the match was no DQ, “Sugar” Shane Hennig decided to interfere. He helped Brett pin Jeff and the match was over. I mean, it is no DQ, right? Well, Commissioner James Ray makes another appearance and tells Brett Storm that he can accept that win, but by doing so he would forfeit the title. So the match restarts. There was constant bickering between Guardian and Rebecca Lynn, as Lynn was always attempting to cheat, there were near falls as Brett would get the upper hand, and there was interference by “Sugar” Shane helping the Champ during a figure four. All this, and Jeff Storm persevered.
Unwilling to sacrifice his career to his disrespectful son, Jeff overcame the odds and finished off both his son and “Sugar” Shane with Death Valley Drivers before picking up the win and the TCW Championship. The crowd erupted with excitement and taunted the losing Storm and his newfound ally as they walked out. It wasn’t long, though, before the two returned to the ring to assault the new Champion in a show of bad sportsmanship. The TCW United States Champion, Exotica, quickly came to the aid of Jeff Storm, and Commissioner James Ray made another bout for September 8th, TCW Champion “Ice Man” Jeff Storm & TCW US Champion Exotica w/ The Guardian vs. “Perfect Storm” Brett Storm & “Sugar” Shane Hennig w/ Miss Rebecca Lynn.
The perfomances of the night were what I've come to expect from TCW. A great bargain, really, as admission for anyone over 12 is just $5. But what really made the night for me happened after the show was over. I, as I usually do (It's a way of saying thanks, as I feel like I'm stealing from them getting good wrestling for only $5), I helped to take down the ring. That's when I got to see what I feel I've forgotten about wrestling lately: Fun. Everyone helping to take the ring down was laughing, joking and enjoying what a good night they'd had. That's when I remembered what being an internet wrestling nerd has led me to forget. Wrestling is all about having fun. It's not about perfect booking, or the right theme music for every wrestler. It's about fun. Fun I'll be having again on September 8th.
Find out more about TCW on MySpace or on their Yahoo Group
E-mail JJ Dangerously if you've got the cajones
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